Saturday, May 12, 2007

Medicine and such...

Here in America, we supposedly have one of, if not the, best health care systems in the world. This would make sense since a large part of our society is based on making us sick in one way or another. We act as though alcohol, sex, and other harmful diversions are natural ways of dealing with stress. We are thoroughly convinced that "quick-fixes" are the answer to all our problems. When you get sick, you take medicine so you can go to work. Your immune system is low, fighting off the sickness, you add drugs to your body, and you don't get rest. You never truly recover. Your body doesn't get what it really needs, which is rest. The drug companies get what they want when you feel you need the medicine to survive. The big ugly corporations we work for get what they want when they can squeeze every last penny out of your time and body. We are encouraged to use up all of our strength so that we are in a state of weakness. Weak people can't rise to their full potential. When you don't have a lot of money, a dollar loaf of "white bread" and a ninety-nine cent package of bologna go a lot further than grilled chicken breast on whole wheat bread. In this way, the poor are kept even weaker. So far, we have no recovery time and no nutrition. In this state of weakness, we cannot rise up against the oppressors. The FDA is only good for making sure we have access to non-food products so that the real food can cost more in comparison. Last year, they approved teflon as a food additive. Artificial colorings and preservatives and "meat products" are the "soilent" of our time. First rule of thumb; if you can't identify something, you shouldn't eat it.
Have you noticed that there are always drug commercials on? We are always being told we are sick. There's always a new pill for a new problem. Depression, although a real problem, is given an identity when you give it the name "depression." Everyone is told they need some kind of drug to care for them. At the same time, marijuana, which serves an immense amount of purposes both medical and non-medical, is oppressed as though it were satan himself. The drug industry knows that if marijuana were allowed to rise to it's full potential there would be almost no need for them. The tobacco industry realizes the competition as well. The two are joined again when you take a look at the fact that without the health problems associated with cigarettes the medical industry would lose out financially as well. The medical industry wants you to be sick so they can pretend to fix it, meanwhile making you sicker in another way so you will always be dependent on them. THEY ARE NOT THERE TO MAKE YOU WELL! If they were, medical professionals world wide would work against the oppression of marijuana and work towards preventative methods such as access to nutritious food. Even in a hospital, you may see people sipping "nutritional supplements." Perhaps people who are in recovery should have ACTUAL NUTRITION as opposed to something artificial. Then, maybe, they can experience actual recovery as opposed to artificial recovery.
Maybe teenage girls shouldn't be handed out hormones (i.e. birth control pills) like they are candy. Most people don't realize the way they are playing with their bodies when they take these kinds of drugs. Unfortunately, there are almost no parents left in this country so the kids are left to fend for themselves. However, there are other non-hormonal birth control methods that seem at least less risky. Health professionals with morals should at least encourage those methods instead. By the way, children should NEVER be on anti-depressants and I'm pretty sure adults shouldn't either. We need to stop drugging our children.
In summary, we need to learn how to grow our own food and heal our own bodies. Drug companies, hospitals, pychologists, the oppressive government regimes, the tobacco industry, the alcohol companies, etc, etc, want us to believe that they are the only ones with the power to cure us of our ailments weather they are physical, mental, emotional, or social. They've tricked us into dependency by keeping us ignorant to reality. They are pretty good at telling us we are stupid and they can perform miracles. This sounds a lot like the so called "anti-chirst," don't you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wurds up!!! this is my girl dina.i really apreciate all these beautiful lyrics and people should noe that u're a real poet.u're doing very nice thingz.all these are POSITIVES.people come and visit this blog.u'll not regret it.dina just want to say NEVER GIVE UP,KEEP YO HEAD UP!!! everything will be alright one day.BYE...