Darwins theory of evolution makes it very clear that evolution does not select FOR a trait, but rather against a trait. Evolution supposedly selects against any trait that hinders procreation. If procreation is hindered, the passing of the gene causing the problem is either limited or dies out altogether with the inability to breed.
Some genetic engineers suggest that homosexuality may be caused by a gene. I have no clue as to whether or not this is true and I wouldn't be surprised either way. However, let's deal with the assumption that homosexuality is caused by a certain chromosome on a strand of DNA. If this is true, then Darwin's theory would demand that the gene be selected against since it most certainly hinders ones ability to breed. I know it's not what people want to hear, but this line of thinking also suggests that homosexual DNA is less evolved since natural selection has not selected against it yet.
The question arises as to why this supposed homosexual gene has not been selected against as of yet. The fact is that, until our modern era, homosexual lifestyles have not been accepted by most societies. There isn't a physical problem with copulation just because one is homosexual, and some people "swing both ways." Also, because of the lack of acceptance of homosexuality, many people have gotten married and had children in an effort to either cover up their sexuality or deny their feelings. Of course, in this case the offspring necessary to pass on the gene are available.
Perhaps the homosexual gene is a product of natural variation. It would make sense that this would occur and be USEFUL in an overpopulated world BECAUSE it hinders procreation and provides more foster parents for the children not cared for.
There is only one judge, and it's not me (remember it's not you either). The only thing I know for sure is that, good or bad, every occurance is part of His plan and not ours. Everything serves a purpose, even "evil" and we, as humans, are not capable of understanding it all and maybe we shouldn't. We should remember that there is a general respect that everyone and everything deserves simply because He made it or them
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