Sunday, May 13, 2007
Seperation of Earth and State
There are not many Americans left who can live on the land. At some point, someone figured out that regulating, processing, and packaging our food would be an efficient way of controlling the human race. If we couldn't DEPEND on the supermarkets, the FDA, the government, the trucks, planes, freezers, plastic packaging, and slave labor, how would we know what to eat or how to get it? Do you smell the sickness yet? What if we only ate the foods that grew naturally on the land we claimed? For one thing, maybe we could slow the deforestation of places life west Africa for peanut farming and South America for coffee and cocoa. We could also recognize all of the ingredients in our food for a change since we could potentially see it growing. If we knew the land that the Lord has provided us, we wouldn't have to rely on the FDA to alert us about harmful foods across the country. If you ate something bad, it couldn't have spread far, right? If we only ate local foods, we wouldn't have to rely on plastic packaging that just ends up in a landfill and crazy artificial preservatives. Admit it, you don't know where your food or "food product" has been, or even what it is sometimes. You wonder why you don't feel well? We were made to eat real food within a reasonable amount of time after death. This whole thing is sick. A lot of people make a lot of money and earn a lot of power through this exploitation. Since we don't know how to grow or even forage for our food, there is no way for us to be independent of the industries and politicians taking advantage of our ignorance. They think they are God. We must arm ourselves against this regime with knowledge and a sincere desire to connect with the Lord and the blessings He bestowed upon us through the earth.
Evolution vs. Creationism
Did we evolve? Were we created? The answer to both questions may be yes. The arguments against both ideas are not worth debate. Neither disproves or negates the other. The Lord created us and that cannot be disputed. The theory of evolution seems to make a lot of sense. The Lord never said we weren't made in that way. The only thing to remember is that evolution is just a theory at this point whereas the Lord has made it clear to us that He is the creator. The Lord said we came from the dust, from clay. Perhaps this is a reference to the minute organisms He spawned us from. In that case, He made the minute organisms and the circumstances in which they would grow. Still, He is the creator. The seven days refered to as the time it took to create the earth is debatable in interpretation. However, the point of the story of creation isn't how long it took for Him to create us. Time is irrelevant since the Lord is infinite. How He created us and how long it took should be on the back burner as questions we would like to understand in an effort to further prove His glory. The main point to remember is that He made us in whatever miraculous way He chose. Being that He works in ways we can't always understand, one cannot rule out evolution altogether.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Medicine and such...
Here in America, we supposedly have one of, if not the, best health care systems in the world. This would make sense since a large part of our society is based on making us sick in one way or another. We act as though alcohol, sex, and other harmful diversions are natural ways of dealing with stress. We are thoroughly convinced that "quick-fixes" are the answer to all our problems. When you get sick, you take medicine so you can go to work. Your immune system is low, fighting off the sickness, you add drugs to your body, and you don't get rest. You never truly recover. Your body doesn't get what it really needs, which is rest. The drug companies get what they want when you feel you need the medicine to survive. The big ugly corporations we work for get what they want when they can squeeze every last penny out of your time and body. We are encouraged to use up all of our strength so that we are in a state of weakness. Weak people can't rise to their full potential. When you don't have a lot of money, a dollar loaf of "white bread" and a ninety-nine cent package of bologna go a lot further than grilled chicken breast on whole wheat bread. In this way, the poor are kept even weaker. So far, we have no recovery time and no nutrition. In this state of weakness, we cannot rise up against the oppressors. The FDA is only good for making sure we have access to non-food products so that the real food can cost more in comparison. Last year, they approved teflon as a food additive. Artificial colorings and preservatives and "meat products" are the "soilent" of our time. First rule of thumb; if you can't identify something, you shouldn't eat it.
Have you noticed that there are always drug commercials on? We are always being told we are sick. There's always a new pill for a new problem. Depression, although a real problem, is given an identity when you give it the name "depression." Everyone is told they need some kind of drug to care for them. At the same time, marijuana, which serves an immense amount of purposes both medical and non-medical, is oppressed as though it were satan himself. The drug industry knows that if marijuana were allowed to rise to it's full potential there would be almost no need for them. The tobacco industry realizes the competition as well. The two are joined again when you take a look at the fact that without the health problems associated with cigarettes the medical industry would lose out financially as well. The medical industry wants you to be sick so they can pretend to fix it, meanwhile making you sicker in another way so you will always be dependent on them. THEY ARE NOT THERE TO MAKE YOU WELL! If they were, medical professionals world wide would work against the oppression of marijuana and work towards preventative methods such as access to nutritious food. Even in a hospital, you may see people sipping "nutritional supplements." Perhaps people who are in recovery should have ACTUAL NUTRITION as opposed to something artificial. Then, maybe, they can experience actual recovery as opposed to artificial recovery.
Maybe teenage girls shouldn't be handed out hormones (i.e. birth control pills) like they are candy. Most people don't realize the way they are playing with their bodies when they take these kinds of drugs. Unfortunately, there are almost no parents left in this country so the kids are left to fend for themselves. However, there are other non-hormonal birth control methods that seem at least less risky. Health professionals with morals should at least encourage those methods instead. By the way, children should NEVER be on anti-depressants and I'm pretty sure adults shouldn't either. We need to stop drugging our children.
In summary, we need to learn how to grow our own food and heal our own bodies. Drug companies, hospitals, pychologists, the oppressive government regimes, the tobacco industry, the alcohol companies, etc, etc, want us to believe that they are the only ones with the power to cure us of our ailments weather they are physical, mental, emotional, or social. They've tricked us into dependency by keeping us ignorant to reality. They are pretty good at telling us we are stupid and they can perform miracles. This sounds a lot like the so called "anti-chirst," don't you think?
Have you noticed that there are always drug commercials on? We are always being told we are sick. There's always a new pill for a new problem. Depression, although a real problem, is given an identity when you give it the name "depression." Everyone is told they need some kind of drug to care for them. At the same time, marijuana, which serves an immense amount of purposes both medical and non-medical, is oppressed as though it were satan himself. The drug industry knows that if marijuana were allowed to rise to it's full potential there would be almost no need for them. The tobacco industry realizes the competition as well. The two are joined again when you take a look at the fact that without the health problems associated with cigarettes the medical industry would lose out financially as well. The medical industry wants you to be sick so they can pretend to fix it, meanwhile making you sicker in another way so you will always be dependent on them. THEY ARE NOT THERE TO MAKE YOU WELL! If they were, medical professionals world wide would work against the oppression of marijuana and work towards preventative methods such as access to nutritious food. Even in a hospital, you may see people sipping "nutritional supplements." Perhaps people who are in recovery should have ACTUAL NUTRITION as opposed to something artificial. Then, maybe, they can experience actual recovery as opposed to artificial recovery.
Maybe teenage girls shouldn't be handed out hormones (i.e. birth control pills) like they are candy. Most people don't realize the way they are playing with their bodies when they take these kinds of drugs. Unfortunately, there are almost no parents left in this country so the kids are left to fend for themselves. However, there are other non-hormonal birth control methods that seem at least less risky. Health professionals with morals should at least encourage those methods instead. By the way, children should NEVER be on anti-depressants and I'm pretty sure adults shouldn't either. We need to stop drugging our children.
In summary, we need to learn how to grow our own food and heal our own bodies. Drug companies, hospitals, pychologists, the oppressive government regimes, the tobacco industry, the alcohol companies, etc, etc, want us to believe that they are the only ones with the power to cure us of our ailments weather they are physical, mental, emotional, or social. They've tricked us into dependency by keeping us ignorant to reality. They are pretty good at telling us we are stupid and they can perform miracles. This sounds a lot like the so called "anti-chirst," don't you think?
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Evolution and Homosexuality
Darwins theory of evolution makes it very clear that evolution does not select FOR a trait, but rather against a trait. Evolution supposedly selects against any trait that hinders procreation. If procreation is hindered, the passing of the gene causing the problem is either limited or dies out altogether with the inability to breed.
Some genetic engineers suggest that homosexuality may be caused by a gene. I have no clue as to whether or not this is true and I wouldn't be surprised either way. However, let's deal with the assumption that homosexuality is caused by a certain chromosome on a strand of DNA. If this is true, then Darwin's theory would demand that the gene be selected against since it most certainly hinders ones ability to breed. I know it's not what people want to hear, but this line of thinking also suggests that homosexual DNA is less evolved since natural selection has not selected against it yet.
The question arises as to why this supposed homosexual gene has not been selected against as of yet. The fact is that, until our modern era, homosexual lifestyles have not been accepted by most societies. There isn't a physical problem with copulation just because one is homosexual, and some people "swing both ways." Also, because of the lack of acceptance of homosexuality, many people have gotten married and had children in an effort to either cover up their sexuality or deny their feelings. Of course, in this case the offspring necessary to pass on the gene are available.
Perhaps the homosexual gene is a product of natural variation. It would make sense that this would occur and be USEFUL in an overpopulated world BECAUSE it hinders procreation and provides more foster parents for the children not cared for.
There is only one judge, and it's not me (remember it's not you either). The only thing I know for sure is that, good or bad, every occurance is part of His plan and not ours. Everything serves a purpose, even "evil" and we, as humans, are not capable of understanding it all and maybe we shouldn't. We should remember that there is a general respect that everyone and everything deserves simply because He made it or them
Some genetic engineers suggest that homosexuality may be caused by a gene. I have no clue as to whether or not this is true and I wouldn't be surprised either way. However, let's deal with the assumption that homosexuality is caused by a certain chromosome on a strand of DNA. If this is true, then Darwin's theory would demand that the gene be selected against since it most certainly hinders ones ability to breed. I know it's not what people want to hear, but this line of thinking also suggests that homosexual DNA is less evolved since natural selection has not selected against it yet.
The question arises as to why this supposed homosexual gene has not been selected against as of yet. The fact is that, until our modern era, homosexual lifestyles have not been accepted by most societies. There isn't a physical problem with copulation just because one is homosexual, and some people "swing both ways." Also, because of the lack of acceptance of homosexuality, many people have gotten married and had children in an effort to either cover up their sexuality or deny their feelings. Of course, in this case the offspring necessary to pass on the gene are available.
Perhaps the homosexual gene is a product of natural variation. It would make sense that this would occur and be USEFUL in an overpopulated world BECAUSE it hinders procreation and provides more foster parents for the children not cared for.
There is only one judge, and it's not me (remember it's not you either). The only thing I know for sure is that, good or bad, every occurance is part of His plan and not ours. Everything serves a purpose, even "evil" and we, as humans, are not capable of understanding it all and maybe we shouldn't. We should remember that there is a general respect that everyone and everything deserves simply because He made it or them
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Why is Everyone Naked?
Our whole society here in America is based on consumerism plus debauchery. You are bred here to believe that getting drunk, taking off your clothes, and casual sex are not only the right of an adult, but also a rite of passage. Some may say this is the consequence of freedom. I don't see these actions as being free. These are the actions of an oppressed people, people who are not lead in the right direction. Sex is so rampant at this point that there is an entire industry based on pornography. It's easy to say that these are consenting adults doing what they please, but it does effect people who do not want to be associated with these things. If a man tries to make a pass at me, it's not "How are you today ma'am? Can I hold the door for you?" Now, it's "Damn, that's a nice ass." That is acceptable for too many people. There is a double standard when it comes to homosexuality. Apparently, it' s alright for a woman to have a sexual account with another woman. If you bring up the double standard to a man, the typical response is "that's different." It's all based on machismo. It's alright these days to use the word "bitch" as a familiar term, no questions asked. Little girls are half dressed at 11 or 12, wearing too much make up and unsupervised. There are children dancing to songs that tell you to act like a hooker on the dance floor. It's our fault! We adults support an industry that tells us WE should act this way as well. Of course our children will find this to be the appropriate action. Take a look at the Saturday morning cartoons geared towards girls. Women put on make up to impress men often and of course our daughters want to imitate us. From the moment we are born, we are taught that our worth is dependent on a man. Be good so you can find a good man. Look nice so you can attract a good man. We have to compete with women on TV and men's expectations derived from it. It's acceptable to "go wild" once in a while. We hang out in dirty dark clubs and bars where we pay to get drunk and put ourselves on display like it' s a meat market. This is what adults do for fun these days. At the beach it's like a competition of who can get away with showing the most skin. If we want to tease men with our bodies, the sin is on us as well as the man who is looking. When there is a girl walking down the street showing her whole butt to the world, I feel like I should be able to sue her for sexual harrassment because I shouldn't have to see that, and neither should my children. In today's day and age, it's perfectly acceptable to say you like sex with no strings attached. In fact, the notion is looked upon as being a sign of a strong, mature, independent person. A truly strong person can keep their legs closed in the face of temptation. There are serious consequences to our sexual free for all and perhaps these are some of the reasons that the Lord speaks against it in all of the scriptures quite clearly. The risks of casual sex are not worth it. STD's are rampant because of these notions. Teenage pregnancy keeps rising not because of a lack of knowledge, but because of a lack of guidance. We constantly sell sex to our children. Prom dresses aren't classy anymore. In college, spring break is talked about as a time to let go of inhibitions. We put little girls in beauty pagants. We, as parents, don't make good role models. Our generation looks at marriage as too much of a commitment, but casual sex is reccomended as a stress release and a regular scenario for young people. The oppresors know that if we are busy having fruitless fun and worrying about the consequences, we won't be worrying about what they are doing. It's another policy of distraction. In many cases, casual sex yeilds "illigitimate" children. If families are broken, it creates more than one household which means more than one rent payment, utility payment, etc. This is great for our country's model of consumerism and it keeps people from being united in the family unit. This, in turn, makes it less likely that communities will unite against the oppressors. In summary, the carelessness with which we treat the sacred act of sex divides us from the Lord, ourselves, and eachother.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Why He knows All and We Do Not
No matter how hard we try, humans cannot get high enough to know everything. One reason may be that we have a hard time admitting that we know nothing, which is the first step in learning anything. We don't always like to give the credit to the Lord. If we truly did, then we could at least know more because we could let Him guide us fully. But even then, He would still know all and we would understand very little in comparison. This is His mercy on us! Every day it feels as though there is constant worry here on earth which can make it difficult to truly trust Him. It can be hard to relax and completely realize that He is in control and you shouldn't fight against His will out of fear, even when we don't know why His plans for us are what they are. With knowledge comes responsibility. Since He is the only one who knows the picture of infinity, He is the only one ALLOWED to be concerned with it. If we knew everything there is to know we would worry our puny little human minds to shreds. We have a hard enough time coping with life here and now. This is why we should not question the Lord when He shows us our next step. We should praise Him more for not concerning us with more than we can handle and trust in Him fully. He is the Almighty and the only one worthy of trust and praise!
Satan and Agriculture in the Garden of Eden
My thoughts on the story of the fall of man.....
The Lord created man, and called us his children. Made in His likeness, He commanded the angels to serve us. Satan, although He loved the Lord, thought humans to be lowly creatures and wanted nothing to do with serving us. That being so, the Lord banished satan from heaven for not heeding his command. Satan wanted to take revenge on the Lord as well as show Him how worthless humans were. He told people not to trust in the Lord, using his banishment from heaven as an example of the Lord's betrayal. Satan showed people how to sow and reap and STORE food for the future, since, according to him, the Lord cannot be trusted to care for you. So, perhaps the "Tree of Life" was actually the road to "self sufficiency"- the ability to be independent from the Lord, playing God in a sense. This may not sound so bad at first, but, as any believer knows, it is impossible to be independent from the Lord. With this false belief, mankind could deny the Lord, attributing his ability to survive to himself and forming a chasm between us and Him. This is where greed comes into play. If a man can only depend on himself, how can he care about others? According to this concept, every man should store up as much as possible to guarantee survival in the future. Every time we have even one dollar in the bank instead of using it on someone who needs to eat NOW, we are denying the Lord's ability and want to sustain us-and that is a sin. In giving up that very last dollar, we put our lives in His hands, which is where it was to begin with! If you can sacrafice your very last possesion for someone who needs it now, you are guaranteeing that the Lord will provide for you because the more you give of yourself, the more the Lord will give of His blessings... remember, we were made in His image and the there are some of His attributes in us all. The ability to give to or trust in Him is a uniquely human charecteristic. A cat cannot choose to trust the Lord. A cat lives on instincts and, by doing so, does only what it was made to do. We, however, can choose to give or not, care or not, or love or not. After Satan steered us astray, he tried to tell the Lord of our misconduct and doubt to have us condemned and him redeemed. At this point, I imagine Him saying, "Go ahead, I dare you to win over my children. I am the Alpha and Omega and long after you are gone and one with me again, I Am. You may reign on earth for a while, only to be an example of my greatness when you are gone and I Am still." The ancient Egyptian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Mongol Empire, and the Ottoman Empire were massive enough to build collosal monuments to themselves. This is a pagan trait in any people. Even an atheist knows it is unattractive to worship yourself in any sense. These peoples rose to great heights in terms of "civilization." However, the time it took to for the Lord to crumble their oppressive rule was miniscule again proving that He is the creater, renewer, and sustainer. He will always let you rise in knowledge enough to show you that you cannot be Him. He makes it clear that He is the only one worthy of praise. So, like the afore mentioned empires, satan rules here now only to be the greatest of testament to the Lords greatness in the future. Suffering people, we should be proud to be the center of this. We serve a special role in the infinite. He runs this.
The Lord created man, and called us his children. Made in His likeness, He commanded the angels to serve us. Satan, although He loved the Lord, thought humans to be lowly creatures and wanted nothing to do with serving us. That being so, the Lord banished satan from heaven for not heeding his command. Satan wanted to take revenge on the Lord as well as show Him how worthless humans were. He told people not to trust in the Lord, using his banishment from heaven as an example of the Lord's betrayal. Satan showed people how to sow and reap and STORE food for the future, since, according to him, the Lord cannot be trusted to care for you. So, perhaps the "Tree of Life" was actually the road to "self sufficiency"- the ability to be independent from the Lord, playing God in a sense. This may not sound so bad at first, but, as any believer knows, it is impossible to be independent from the Lord. With this false belief, mankind could deny the Lord, attributing his ability to survive to himself and forming a chasm between us and Him. This is where greed comes into play. If a man can only depend on himself, how can he care about others? According to this concept, every man should store up as much as possible to guarantee survival in the future. Every time we have even one dollar in the bank instead of using it on someone who needs to eat NOW, we are denying the Lord's ability and want to sustain us-and that is a sin. In giving up that very last dollar, we put our lives in His hands, which is where it was to begin with! If you can sacrafice your very last possesion for someone who needs it now, you are guaranteeing that the Lord will provide for you because the more you give of yourself, the more the Lord will give of His blessings... remember, we were made in His image and the there are some of His attributes in us all. The ability to give to or trust in Him is a uniquely human charecteristic. A cat cannot choose to trust the Lord. A cat lives on instincts and, by doing so, does only what it was made to do. We, however, can choose to give or not, care or not, or love or not. After Satan steered us astray, he tried to tell the Lord of our misconduct and doubt to have us condemned and him redeemed. At this point, I imagine Him saying, "Go ahead, I dare you to win over my children. I am the Alpha and Omega and long after you are gone and one with me again, I Am. You may reign on earth for a while, only to be an example of my greatness when you are gone and I Am still." The ancient Egyptian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Mongol Empire, and the Ottoman Empire were massive enough to build collosal monuments to themselves. This is a pagan trait in any people. Even an atheist knows it is unattractive to worship yourself in any sense. These peoples rose to great heights in terms of "civilization." However, the time it took to for the Lord to crumble their oppressive rule was miniscule again proving that He is the creater, renewer, and sustainer. He will always let you rise in knowledge enough to show you that you cannot be Him. He makes it clear that He is the only one worthy of praise. So, like the afore mentioned empires, satan rules here now only to be the greatest of testament to the Lords greatness in the future. Suffering people, we should be proud to be the center of this. We serve a special role in the infinite. He runs this.
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